Creatives use Off/Script to fund their project ideas
Launch campaigns on the Off/Script app and see your concepts become unique products you will be proud of (and earn from).
How Campaigns Work
Upload images of a product you would like to see come to life. You can import concepts from your device or create them directly in-app via our free generative AI studio. Creators retain full IP rights on their concepts.
Once your concept is published, it will be pushed to users for voting. Gather the support of your friends and ensure that your ideas pass the 100 likes threshold. Once they do, the Off/Script team will assign a selling price and minimum order quantity for your product.
You then have 30 days to reach enough pre-orders for Off/Script to kickstart production. Buyers can reserve items on the Off/Script app and will only be charged if a campaign is successful. Off/Script takes a 30% cut on product sales. Creators keep the rest.
Once the funding goal of your campaign has been met, we know exactly how many units to make. We bring your product ideas to life with the highest quality standards and ship directly to customers once a final sample has been approved by you. Production delays vary depending on product type and complexity.

Creatives use Off/Script to fund their project ideas
Launch a campaign on the Off/Script app and see your concepts become unique pieces you will be proud of (and earn from).
Shop Ideas Made Real
How Campaigns Work
1. Publish your concepts on the app
Upload images of a product you would like to see come to life. You can import concepts from your device or create them directly in-app via our free generative AI studio. Creators retain full IP rights on their concepts.
2. Reach 100 likes
Once your concept is published, it will be pushed to users for voting. Gather the support of your friends and ensure that your ideas pass the 100 likes threshold. Once they do, the Off/Script team will assign a selling price and minimum order quantity for your product.
3. Launch your 30-day campaign
You then have 30 days to reach enough pre-orders for Off/Script to kickstart production. Buyers can reserve items on the Off/Script app and will only be charged if a campaign is successful. Off/Script takes a 30% cut on product sales. Creators keep the rest.
4. Let us work our magic
Once the funding goal of your campaign has been met, we know exactly how many units to make. We bring your product ideas to life with the highest quality standards and ship directly to customers once a final sample has been approved by you. Production delays vary depending on product type and complexity.

Creatives use Off/Script to fund their project ideas
Launch campaigns on the Off/Script app and see your concepts become unique products you will be proud of (and earn from).
How Campaigns Work
Upload images of a product you would like to see come to life. You can import concepts from your device or create them directly in-app via our free generative AI studio. Creators retain full IP rights on their concepts.
Once your concept is published, it will be pushed to users for voting. Gather the support of your friends and ensure that your ideas pass the 100 likes threshold. Once they do, the Off/Script team will assign a selling price and minimum order quantity for your product.
You then have 30 days to reach enough pre-orders for Off/Script to kickstart production. Buyers can reserve items on the Off/Script app and will only be charged if a campaign is successful. Off/Script takes a 30% cut on product sales. Creators keep the rest.
Once the funding goal of your campaign has been met, we know exactly how many units to make. We bring your product ideas to life with the highest quality standards and ship directly to customers once a final sample has been approved by you. Production delays vary depending on product type and complexity.

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